About the Conference

Viral manipulations proved to be a fantastic tool for neuroscientists, and developing these tools in monkeys hold great promises, not only for the understanding of sophisticated primate behaviors and neurophysiology but also for bringing translational research to another level. Yet, using these approaches has proven extremely challenging in primates and applications are just emerging in a handful of laboratories.
The first edition of the Viral Manipulation in Monkey (ViMaMo) conference, in 2018, brought together worldwide specialists of primate opto- and chemogenetics, to join knowledge and discuss about the realistic future applications.
For this second edition of the meeting, we intend to bring the researchers involved in viral manipulations in monkeys together again, and consolidate that community. Critically, there are still numerous challenges ahead and sharing our perspectives on these challenges remains essential. As in the first edition, speakers will launch the discussion in key topics of interest (see program) and sessions will allow in depth interactions among participants.
To allow everyone to present their results we will also organize a new type of poster session. Finally we will have a wine and cheese cocktail to exchange in informal atmosphere.
Let’s gather for two days to share our latest results and establish together where this new promising field is going.

Eduardo Gascon Gonzalo

JAOUEN Florence

Serge Alonso

Dipankar Bachar
Web master