Conference program for 2024 edition

2024 Preliminary Program

It will certainly evolve…

Young researcher short talk

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October 3rdAM

Session 1: Novel vectors & applications

8h:45-9h15           Registration & Welcome Coffee

9h:15                –    Meeting Opening : E GASCON

9h:30-10h15       Disease Modelling and Therapeutic approaches using  viral  vectors for Parkinson disease: Benjamin Dehay

10h:15-11h       –   Novel AAV capsid to explore the NHPs brain : James Pickel

11h-11h:20         Coffee Break

11h:20-12h:15     Novel approaches for functional connectomics in  mammals : Ernesto Ciabatti

12h:15-14h:15  –  Lunch break & poster session

October 3rd PM

Session 2 : Tracing neuronal circuits with viral vectors

  14h:15-15h Expansion of cortical motor areas for enhanced motor skills: Jean-Alban Rathelot

  15h-15h:45        To be announced : Guilhem Ibos

  15h:45-16h:15     –     Coffee Break

16h:15-17h:15    –    Keynote seminarUntangling neural networks with     viral vector-based neuro tracing : Ken-ichi INOUE




October 4th – AM

Session 3 : Manipulating neuronal circuits with viral vectors

9h:15-10h:00    –    Unravelling the circuit of impatience in the primate brain: Benjamin Pasquereau

10h:00-10h:45      Exploring the function of hypothalamic oxytocin in the macaque monkey: Jean-Rene Duhamel

10h:45-11h:00  –    Coffee Break

11h:00-11h:45  –      Investigating the functions of marmoset area 25 and 32 via circuit-specific chemogenetic manipulations: Christian J Wood

11h:45-12h:30  –   Keynote seminar – Non-human Primate Chemogenetics: State-of-the-Art and Beyond : Takafumi Minamimoto

12h:30-14h:00  –   Lunch Break & Poster Session


October 4thPM

Session 4 : Genetic manipulations using viral vectors

14h:00-14h:45   –  Using Cas9 to manipulate specific microRNAs in the  marmoset – Eduardo GASCON

14h:45-15h:30     Use of AAVs for genetic-based neuroscience research in macaques: recent advances and challenges ahead : Adriana Galvan

Short Talk:

15h:30-16h:00    –  Circuit-specific gene therapy reverses core symptoms in a primate Parkinson’s disease model : Yefei Chen

16h:00-16h:30    –  Noradrenergic cortical input manipulation and flexible behaviour in monkey : Clemence Gandaux

16h:30-17h:15    To be announced : Ivo VANZETTA

17h:15-17h:20  – Concluding Remarks



Poster Session

After a fruitful set of lectures let’s have casual moments where everyone can discuss with the speakers, chat about where the field is going, and present their ongoing work on posters…

Posters will be presented during the lunch breaks. Poster presenters have to register for this session in the application form (the frames are portrait oriented – 170cm tall and 90cm wide).

Young researchers short presentations

To be announced

Our speakers

Eduardo Gascon

Eduardo Gascon

INT, Marseille, France

Ivo Vanzetta

Ivo Vanzetta

INT, Marseille, France

Benjamin Dehay

Benjamin Dehay

DR INSERM Bordeaux

Takafumi Minamimoto

Takafumi Minamimoto

NIRS, Chiba, Japon

Ken-ichi Inoue

Ken-ichi Inoue

KUPRI, Inuyama, Japan

James Pickel

James Pickel

Baltimore, USA

Ernesto Ciabatti

Ernesto Ciabatti

MRC, Cambridge, UK

Jean-Alban Rathelot

Jean-Alban Rathelot

INT, Marseille, France

Jean-Rene Duhamel

Jean-Rene Duhamel

ISC NeuroPrime, Lyon, France

Adriana Galvan

Adriana Galvan

Emory, Atlanta, USA

Benjamin Pasquereau

Benjamin Pasquereau

ISC, Lyon

Christian J. Wood

Christian J. Wood

Cambridge University, UK

Young researchers short presentations

Clemence Gandaux

Clemence Gandaux

Post Doc

Guilhem Ibos

Guilhem Ibos

INT, Marseille, France

Yefei Chen

Yefei Chen

Post Doc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

To be announced

To be announced

To be announced